Construction and furnishing of An Adolescent Girls, Teen Mothers and Women Entrepreneurship Skills Training Centre

The Centre aims to provide a diverse range of projects, allowing women the freedom to choose activities that align with their interests. These projects will encompass both theoretical and practical lessons, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience. Moreover, the Centre will generate income to support the initiation of startup projects for women undergoing training. The practical projects carried out by the women will serve as a source of funding for these ventures.

The Programs will be as follows :

  • business skills
  • cattle fattening
  • goats fattening
  • piggery
  • poultry – roadrunner, broiler, layers
  • baking and catering
  • mealie meal production using maize meal grinding machine
  • sewing uniforms and other clothing and crafts
  • sanitary wear making disposable and reusable
  • detergent making
Initially, our program will enroll a batch of 10 women, creating a cohort of 100 individuals every 6 weeks. Throughout the year, we will have 7 groups in total. Following the completion of the intensive 6 week training, each group will be equipped with the necessary resources to kickstart their own ventures, while receiving ongoing guidance, monitoring and support. In order to ensure that our financial aid for school fees and uniforms is exclusively directed towards orphans and children with disabled parents who lack the means to support themselves, we have included parents with children in our program. This way, we can prioritize those who truly need our assistance.

In the region where we are operating, it is distressing to observe that a significant number of young girls are being forced into early marriages at the tender ages of 13 or 14. Sadly, the situation has worsened even more in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic. As a result, some adolescent girls and young women have resorted to engaging in prostitution as a desperate means to provide for themselves and secure basic necessities such as food.

Problem being addressed:
Most adolescent girls in the area we are working in are being given to marriage at the age of 13/14, and soon after Covid-19 we have seen that it has even become worse. Some adolescent girls and young women have turned to Prostitution in order to be able to put food on the table. Solution
  1. Rescue and support
  2. Rehabilitation and education
  3. Poverty alleviation
  4. Awareness and prevention
  5. Access to healthcare
  6. Empowerment workshops
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