Construction and furnishing of A Community Educational Resource Centre at Materera Secondary School

We had a ground breaking ceremony in January. The Educational resource centre will comprise of a hall and a library. The centre will serve the whole community in need of the services but our main focus is to provide adequate resources to the vulnerable adolescent girls in and out- of school and young women who are not formally in school. This resource centre will have a registration fee and annual subscriptions to help sustain it. It will have mobile libraries to cushion it reach students in remote areas.
The resource centre will have:

  • computers or laptops loaded with recorded lessons which will assist the adolescent girls and young women to learn in the absence of the teacher.
Recorded academic lessons shall start from early grade to Advanced level which would help
  • Internet for research
  • Text books
  • Reading book
Problems Addressed:
Insufficient resources in our schools are currently leading to a detrimental situation where students tend to take their education for granted. Consequently, this apathetic attitude often results in students engaging in sexual behaviors, disproportionately affecting girls. This alarming trend leads to teenage pregnancies, child marriages, the contraction of sexually transmitted infections, and ultimately, dropout rates among female students.

Introducing our groundbreaking initiative: The “Education Revival” program, specifically designed to empower adolescent girls and young women who, for various reasons, have prematurely discontinued their education. We embark on a transformative journey back to the realm of knowledge and enlightenment. Our gatherings are thoughtfully scheduled on weekends to accommodate the diverse needs of our participants.
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